An Organization of Lawyer and Jurists Founded in 1962

Click here to read our letter of support for Israel.

MEET OUR PRESIDENT, Avram Solomon Turkel

Avram Solomon Turkel of Ballon Stoll, P.C. was sworn in as President of the Jewish Lawyers Guild by the Hon. Barbara Kapnick, Justice of the New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Department, on December 13, 2023.

The Jewish Lawyers Guild is an organization of lawyers and jurists founded upon fellowship and faith in 1962. The Guild holds a variety of activities, including lectures, programs and tours that are relevant to the legal and Jewish communities. In addition, the Guild participates in judicial screening panels, provides a Continuing Legal Education (CLE) program for its members and funds two scholarships at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law.

“I am very proud to be installed President of this prominent organization,” Mr. Turkel said. “The Jewish Lawyers Guild’s mandate to support the legal and Jewish communities, fight discrimination, promote equality under the law, and provide financial assistance to those in need is vital and important work. Each and every day the Guild endeavors to continue that legacy.”


The Jewish Lawyers Guild of New York is an organization of judges and attorneys and welcomes members regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, or other diverse backgrounds.  

We resolutely believe that all people are equal, are entitled to equal rights, and are entitled to live free from personal assaults. 

 Therefore, we condemn completely and absolutely all acts of violence, aggression, and harassment committed against anyone based on their  race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, or other diverse backgrounds.  

We specifically condemn all acts of antisemitic violence. Anti-Semitism, with its long evil history, based on lies, must be resolutely opposed by all people of good will. 

We ask our lawmakers to ensure that hate crimes are clearly defined, are well tracked, and have severe and certain penalties. 

We ask our courts and law enforcement agencies to fully enforce the law and to bring all perpetrators of hate-based violence swiftly to justice. 

With the fervent belief that all people are entitled to peaceful coexistence, we are the Jewish Lawyers Guild of New York.